Crazy drivers...lots of yellow taxi's...plenty of beggers...and a McDonalds and Starbucks on every corner! What an adventure New York was!!! We even managed to have a ride in an ambulance!
Our time in NY didn't start off too well... with everyone but Dad and I coming down with the flu! So while everyone slept and recovered on day one, Dad and I walked through the city... along the Hudson River (with great views of the Statue of Liberty) and ended up at Ground Zero.

On one of the street corners there is this memorial of September 11...

Some of the tiles were to remember victims (one girl as young as two)... others were phrases or comments capturing the spirit and courage of rescue personnel.

There was also a memorial at St Pauls Cathedral... Its right next to the site, but not one of its glass panes broke when the towers collapsed!

Ground zero is now a construction site... there are plans for new buildings to go up, including one called the Freedom Tower.
Jack wasn't very well this night... We ended up getting a ride in an ambulance as his temperature peaked and the poor little thing had a convulsion. He's on the mend now... just getting over his cold and cough!
Day two everyone was feeling well enough to head out for some sight-seeing, so we hoped on a cruise and sailed around the island of Manhattan. (the Hudson River)

Manhattan skyline... The WTC towers were twice the size of any building you see in this picture.

The Brooklyn Bridge...

hmm... I think you should all know what this is! The statue is alot smaller then I thought it would be.
After the cruise we headed to the viewing deck of the Rockefeller Centre...

Dad, me, Jack and Mum with the Empire State Building behind us.
A view of Central Park from the "top of the rock".

We stayed opposite Madison Square Garden... and saw the Ringling Bros Circus there on Day three... it was awesome!

The elephants were a fav...
Mum and I then decided to make the most of our last night... so we did what everyone wants to do in NY- and went up the top of the Empire State Building! It was amazing... I've always wanted to do it after seeing Sleepless in Seattle- so romantic! haha...

More of the view... the night was so clear!
On our last morning... Mum, Dad and I walked to Times Square where we saw Good Morning America being filmed! (Its just like sunrise... where you can see in through the window!)

Mum and Dad in Times Square...

With just a few hours left... we had to take a walk through Central Park! This is mum and I eating brekkie (a bagel of course!)

The park was amazing... this is Mum and Dad having a romantic stroll!
I absolutely LOVED New York! Its definately a place I could live. There's so much to do and see in the city that never sleeps. So far, its been my favourite place I've visited in the States!

I had to post this photo... There's alot of clever advertising around- this one was for a storage company!
I said goodbye to the family today... and now a new chapter starts! Beth the stewardess! Yes thats right... I'm heading down to Florida to join Bonnie (my Uni friend!) and my fellow crewmates sailing and working along the east coast for the season!

This is the gorgeous! (I've added a link so you can go to the site to have a look at the yacht yourselves. Just click on the title "New York, New York")
I'm off to find my sea legs... xo