I'm still on my overseas adventure...where I'll end up I'm not sure, but I'm willing to find out! :)

Saturday, December 30, 2006


Yes...I've always dreamt of having a WHITE Christmas and I've finally had it! Now what a Christmas of ups and downs! It all started Christmas Eve when I (as the 'hostess with the mostess' at the "Old Spaghetti Factory") seated Kelly Clarkson in our restaurant! I only realised after one of the servers told me. I had chatted with her and her fam about being from Aus..and she ate a whole plate of spag bol! Go Kelly! And she left a 50 dollar tip! (those who have worked in the hospitality industry over here know how important tips are...seeing as you earn 8-9 dollars an hour!) Okay so after being struck with celebrity fever what shall one do but head out to the pub for some Christmas Eve bevvy's! Only to have my night end with my camera being stolen... my celebrity high gone...and Mon, Cath and I almost burning down our house (who doesnt want nachos at 330 in the morning!)!!!

Putting the camera incident behind me... I then had an amazing Christmas Day with my Whis family! We woke up to find snow falling outside... we had carols playing (thanks to Mon's mum)... opened pressies around the tree (which Cath and Mon decided to chop down with a kitchen knife after stumbling home from a night out on the town! hehe... it's supposedly not illegal!)... built a snowman... had a snowball fight... ate ham...drank egg nog and cocktails... and then went to off to work...only to come home and have more cocktails! A VERY Merry Christmas indeed!

My Whis family around our tree...Me, Mon, Cath, John, Rach and Lee!

Me and some of my pressies..!

What a beautiful snow angel....haha!

John, Rach and I (aka. "snowman nazi") surveying our snowman progress... doesn't look to good at that stage!

He's taking shape thanks to 'snowman nazi' Beth (I still proclaim I just wanted him to look like a proper snowman!)

Yay... the finished product! A real snowman...just like in the movies!

Cheers to a great Christmas lunch... (a little hungry there Rach! hehe...)

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas... and that you have an amazing new year! xo

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


This is our home... a loft apartment in a lodge that also has a gym and hot tub! Plus its not far from the Village...just a bus ride away! Mon, Cath , Lee and I are all living together... its all good! (so far... hehe!)

The lounge/family/living room! We have cable...woohoo!

The loft upstairs...and dining room/hallway/kitchen downstairs! (yes its cosy...)


Dining table...

And finally.... the view from our room! That's Whistler mountain...creekside run!

Now it wouldn't be a blog without a few random photos from our night outs...

Mon and I! Is that a smile Mon....hehe! poser!

Me, Lee and Mon (who doesn't like drinking that much...haha!)

Cath, Mon (the poser is back in form!) and Corey!

FINALLY... just so you all believe I am actually learning to snowboard I thought I would post a photo of my board! (a.k.a "man board" seeing as I was too tall for a girls board I had to buy a guys one! boo to being abnormal! hehe...)
It has a crazy picture of a frog or some creature... but is mainly white! (as are my boots!)
I love the back...
Well there you have it... Tune in next time for actual snowboarding shots! I swear there will be some! hehe...

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Yellow snow does exist!!!

The things you discover after a few bevvy's... yuck! On our way home the other night we happen to stumble across this patch of snow (as pointed out by Cath) that we believe is wee... although we didn't see the culprit! Either way... we got away quickly!

On another note... we volunteered for the Whistler Film Festival this week and got to see a heap of shorts for free. Oh and we saw the Aussie movie Candy... crazy! And then we got a free party at the end where we had lots of yagameister (not sure how to spell it) shots!

Before the festivities... Mon and I in our cool volunteer gear! (Oh and we are in the lounge room of our home...)
Cathy acting the tourist...(drinks are taking effect!) Our English friend Mike makes an appearance too!Mon (the poser!), Cath and our new friend Yuko...(who I think will disown us soon as we got her a little drunk!)
The bus ride home...
P.S. Snowboarding pics will be posted soon... just don't want to break my camera while I am learning!