I'm still on my overseas adventure...where I'll end up I'm not sure, but I'm willing to find out! :)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


This is our home... a loft apartment in a lodge that also has a gym and hot tub! Plus its not far from the Village...just a bus ride away! Mon, Cath , Lee and I are all living together... its all good! (so far... hehe!)

The lounge/family/living room! We have cable...woohoo!

The loft upstairs...and dining room/hallway/kitchen downstairs! (yes its cosy...)


Dining table...

And finally.... the view from our room! That's Whistler mountain...creekside run!

Now it wouldn't be a blog without a few random photos from our night outs...

Mon and I! Is that a smile Mon....hehe! poser!

Me, Lee and Mon (who doesn't like drinking that much...haha!)

Cath, Mon (the poser is back in form!) and Corey!

FINALLY... just so you all believe I am actually learning to snowboard I thought I would post a photo of my board! (a.k.a "man board" seeing as I was too tall for a girls board I had to buy a guys one! boo to being abnormal! hehe...)
It has a crazy picture of a frog or some creature... but is mainly white! (as are my boots!)
I love the back...
Well there you have it... Tune in next time for actual snowboarding shots! I swear there will be some! hehe...


Anonymous said...

Beth, I hope you know I will be monitoring all three of you girls blogs very closely to make sure you're getting up to enough mischief. Looks like you are! Love the man board haha

Beth said...

thanks Ant...if only I could actually snowboard properly I would love the man board too! hehe...

And yes... the mischief continues in small doses!

Anonymous said...

Love the view Weins! Ours isn't quite the same. Will miss my little sis this Chrissy!!! xxx

Anonymous said...

Yo bro, you could of put photos of the house when it was clean!!!
Love the poser

Me! said...

ooo burner you could fit alot of beer in that fridge.... peach beer too

Beth said...

no peach beer as yet burner... but definately plenty of beer! :)