Putting the camera incident behind me... I then had an amazing Christmas Day with my Whis family! We woke up to find snow falling outside... we had carols playing (thanks to Mon's mum)... opened pressies around the tree (which Cath and Mon decided to chop down with a kitchen knife after stumbling home from a night out on the town! hehe... it's supposedly not illegal!)... built a snowman... had a snowball fight... ate ham...drank egg nog and cocktails... and then went to off to work...only to come home and have more cocktails! A VERY Merry Christmas indeed!

Me and some of my pressies..!

What a beautiful snow angel....haha!

John, Rach and I (aka. "snowman nazi") surveying our snowman progress... doesn't look to good at that stage!

He's taking shape thanks to 'snowman nazi' Beth (I still proclaim I just wanted him to look like a proper snowman!)
Yay... the finished product! A real snowman...just like in the movies!
Cheers to a great Christmas lunch... (a little hungry there Rach! hehe...)
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas... and that you have an amazing new year! xo